Why Us?
Why Us?
Our students choose us because:
Our administration support is in English
We offer more than just Spanish lessons, we offer a holistic approach to learning
We are passionate about the beautiful Spanish language and Latin culture
Our lesson plans are affordable, from as little as USD$25 per lesson (including course materials).
Our lessons are personalised and tailored to your learning goals and interests
We offer access to an online student community where you can share experiences and practice your Spanish
Our instructors go through an extensive recruitment and training process, to ensure that they deliver a high-quality level of service
All our instructors utilise the same proven, method of teaching, so we can ensure that you see results
Utilising innovative tools such as live video conferencing means that our lessons are convenient and accessible worldwide
We monitor student satisfaction and progress, to ensure that we are always offering the best service possible
We offer a 30 minute free trial before you commit to a lesson plan – you can try before you buy!